Matt Begg is the epitome of someone chasing their passions! Sitting on our Global Volcom MTB team and residing in Queenstown, New Zealand, Matt is also a renowned trail builder working with the Fluxtrail crew. Their team sculpts masterful mountain biking trails all over the world, often for them to ride themselves at the end of the day. We are only at the beginning of Matt's trail with Volcom, but one thing is clear: he lives in his Volcom Workwear, ‘All Day, Every Day!’

Matt Begg Volcom Workwear Matt Begg Volcom Workwear

VWW was built on a foundation of creative liberation, what’s one way you express yourself creatively?

The main way I express myself creatively would be when I have my shovel in my hands. From scoping the terrain, visualising the feature to then bringing it to life is a process I enjoy. As everyone sees it differently, making the options endless on what could be created. As much as I enjoy creating my own, it's always great to ride what other people have made. This helps broaden the vision when looking at new spots.

Tell us a bit about what work you do and your qualifications?

It's a hard one to call work aha, but I’m lucky enough to swing a shovel around for a living. From the local alpine bike park I work at, to building for community or personal projects and even branching out to building for Crankworx events. This certainly keeps me busy but I love every part of it. Being able to have some creative input and influence on the builds is something that excites me and pushes me to work hard. I’m always looking to improve my previous work, which is a blessing but also a curse. This has been my occupation for the last 5 years.

How old were you when you started building trails?

I’m a dirt jump kid and grew up riding and digging at a spot called “The Vale”. From the age of 17, I was welcomed in and fell in love with the culture I was surrounded by. The experience I gained from this has definitely led me to where I am today.

Matt Begg Volcom Workwear Matt Begg Volcom Workwear

Who showed you the ropes?

Like I mentioned above, having the dirt jumps has shaped how I see and do things today. But as I have progressed towards building trails and event venues, there are a lot of people to thank for taking me under their wing. Andrew Costain, Jimmy Ramsey, and Flux Trail would be my main three that have shown me the ropes and allowed me to broaden my vision for trail building.

Any projects you are working on right now?

Just finished up on the Crankworx Cairns build. Back there for the third year, it was great to get that one delivered and a good event despite the rain. Along with another personal project with my long-time homies that I look forward to sharing more about.

How do you manage riding time versus build time?

I enjoy riding and building equally, and find myself doing both most days in the summer. But it all depends on what project I’m working on and the scale of it. I do find myself digging more than riding and try to balance this with overseas trips to focus more on the riding side of things. Looking forward to what this year's travels hold.

Volcom Workwear Pants Volcom Workwear Pants

You ran a successful event at the beginning of the year. Where did the idea for this come from? What inspires you to run your own events?

The main thing that inspires me is to promote the culture I grew up in. Building and maintaining the jumps is an important part of the experience. By hosting an event, it brings people together and gives a direct look into what we do and how we do it. I think seeing this in person has a greater impact than if we had shot it and put it online. It's a chance to capture the vibe and hopefully hook some newcomers into our sport, as well as celebrate those who have put so much work into making our spot what it is. I felt that doing this at night would be something most people will remember.

Will you look at running this event again in 2025?

I would love to run this event again next year. Growing the already stacked line-up and raising money to give back to the spot, which has created a lot of opportunities for me. My one goal would be to light the place up like the Super Bowl, allowing the whole park to be lit up.

Give us a glimpse of the last 12 months for yourself. You look like you have been all over the place of late.

I would describe my last 12 months as ‘crazy’. Spending my summers in New Zealand and winters abroad, it certainly keeps me busy. My top three highlights from the year would be releasing my first full-length film WHENDOESTHETRENDEND, The After Hours Jam, and winning best style at the Paul Codeorc Backyard Battle stop.

Volcom Workwear with Matt Begg Mountain Biker Volcom Workwear with Matt Begg Mountain Biker

What is your favourite VWW piece? And can you work and ride in it?

I don't have a favourite piece as I love all of it! From keeping me warm when it's cold, to keeping me cool when it's hot. The range of offers helps me pick and choose what I need to get the job done best. Very grateful for the support from Volcom that covers my two biggest passions, digging and riding. Hopefully, one day I could have a signature piece with them as part of the workwear range.

What are a few of your favourite features of those products?

Style, Durability, and Function. I think the team has nailed it on the workwear range. From looking good to feeling good, it's always motivating knowing you have the best gear that suits the task at hand. It also holds up well when coming off the bike. Couldn't ask for any better!

What initially drew you to Volcom?

I have always looked up to Volcom with the culture they have established among the Surf, Skate, and Snow Scene. With a lot of character and style, I’m motivated to help bring this into my world of building and riding. Having this opportunity to work with a brand like Volcom is a childhood dream and I look forward to what the future holds with them.

What’s your morning ritual before work? Any feed & coffee in particular?

No morning is the same for me, I do enjoy a good coffee and tunes are often a big part of it. But as long as I turn up on time and ready to go, that’s the key part to it.

If you get a day off to do anything you desire, no riding, no trail building, where are you heading?

•The skatepark! This is my getaway from my daily life and a good way to scratch the itch of the adrenaline part of my brain. I would love to have a part in designing and building them one day.

What’s the most hours you worked straight on a build?

•A Red Bull project I worked on in the Gold Coast of Australia. 7K in 7Days is what we were working on. To build a line for $7000 in 7 days. We were very ambitious on this build and clocked multiple 14+ hour days to achieve this. With large shark fins, stepdowns, gap jumpers to wall rides, even a grind box in there! We had to crack the lights out most nights when it got dark.

What advice would you give to an aspiring trail builder?

•My advice would be to work hard and never give up! Whether you're working on a community or a personal project, getting on a shovel is always rewarding. Nothing beats a fresh turn!

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