For our "All Day, Every Day" campaign, we interviewed Nick Dunn, a skater and professional carpenter.

We delved into his passion for his trade, his preferences in workwear, and the benefits of getting qualified at a young age. Enjoy the read!

A Skater & professional Carpenter. We sat down with him and picked his brain on what he loves about his trade, what he likes in his Workwear & why getting qualified young is a good move! Have a read.

VWW was built on a foundation of creative liberation, what’s one way you express yourself creatively?

Handmade Christmas/birthday presents is a good insight to my creative side. Made from timber ranging in all sorts of functionality and visual aesthetic.

Tell us a bit about what work you do and your qualification?

High end architectural homes for 6 and a bit years mostly, with a few odd jobs in between.

Was all qualified by BCITO at age 21. Turning me into a qualified carpenter.


17 getting close to 18 only two weeks after my last exam from high school.


Had quite a few. Learnt a lot from multiple foreman who worked for the same company with pretty much all different nationalities. Gained tips and from all over the world and was still working in my home town.

What's your favourite part of a build?

Decks and any finishing work. Those final few touches really bring a house together

Love creating something final that the client will actually see.

What's your least favourite part of a build?

Like it all! it’s diverse enough a bad job might only last a week and the second part of that job is better anyway. Can’t beat the weather unfortunately working in the elements at any stage of a builds no good.

Has Skating ever resulted in injuries and time off work?

So far no, hopefully that continues.

Do you skate with work in mind these days to limit injuries and time off work?

 No, try take my mind off everything when I skate.

Ever built your own Skate ramp or obstacles. If yes, what was it?

 3-4 rails, Few grind ledges.

How long did it take & is it still being used?

Took longer when I was a grom to build, but all super easy now. Few have been passed on others recycled for other wee projects.

We hear you are off travelling soon… Give us a glimpse of your next 12 months...

 Skate, site see, snowboard and a whole lot of play.

What is your favourite VWW piece? And can you work and Skate in it?

Pants and the jacket would be at the top for me.

What are a few of your favourite features on those products?

Super durable, the fit, practical pocket placement, great looking.

What initially drew you to Volcom?

Cool affordable, nice fitting clothes

We have some friends that treat certain tools like their own children. What's your relationship like with tools…?

Treat them better than children, they make you money!

What's your best tradie hack!?

 Packed lunches and a pie day Friday!

What's your morning ritual before work. Any Feed & coffee in particular.

1 black coffee heading out the door thats it.

If you get a day off to do anything you desire no Skating, no building. Where are you heading?

Summertime would be the lake wakeboarding. Wintertime up the mountain snowboarding.

What's the most hours you worked straight?

 11 hours.

What would you say to a young Skater about getting some qualifications behind them?

Great qualification to have transfers world wide as a sort of income wherever you may end up and you will meet a lot of like-minded people.