Backcountry Tips from Baldface Guides

Backcountry Pack & Checklist
Must Haves
  • Beacon
  • Probe
  • Shovel
  • Touring Pack/Vest
  • Extra Warm Layers
  • Headlamp
  • Water & Food
  • Comms (Radio, Sat Phone, Cell)
Ready For Anything
  • First Aid Kit & Bivy/tarp
  • Snow Study Kit
  • Ski Straps
  • Toolkit & Multi-tool
  • Sunscreen
  • Whistle
  • Lighter & Flint Fire Starter
  • Route Guide & Map (Paper + Digital)
  • Extra Batteries for Headlamp & Beacon (Not Rechargables)
  • Repair Kit (Duct Tape, Zip Ties, Steel Wire, Binding Parts, Screws)
  • Patch Kit
  • Paracord
  • Hand Warmers
  • Tree Well Rescue Kit
  • Snow Scraper
  • Snow Saw
  • Sunglasses

For specific models and other pack essentials, check out our post The Pro's Backcountry Essentials Kits with Bryan Iguchi, Pat Moore, Elena Hight and Jeff Pensiero.

Before You Go
  • Read The Weather
  • Read The AVY Report
  • Charge Your Devices
  • Get A Map
  • Tell Someone:
    • Where you are going
    • Who your going with
    • What time you will be back
    • Any contact numbers